Year for the Laity Prayer (2011)

God our Merciful Father,
We thank and praise You
For choosing us from all the peoples
To be your sons and daughters.
Help us to do Your will
And make us loyal and filial to You
By following the example of Your Son
In word and deed.

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God,
We praise and thank You
For through Baptism
You grant us new life.
Make us share in your priestly,
Kingly and royal office.
Help us to follow you and
To expand the kingdom of God the Father
- the Church,
The Vineyard You have planted.

Holy Spirit, You who proceed from the
Father and the Son,
We praise and thank You
For through the sacrament of confirmation
You give us bountiful Mercy,
Wonderful vitality.
Help us to make proper use of them.
Strengthen us,
So that we courageously testify
For the truth of the Gospel and
Become authentic, relevant, holy, and perfect.

Blessed Holy Trinity forever united and one,
We thank You for all the gifts.
We vow to honor You always.
Unite all the believers of Christ
With the bonds of love,
So that the Church at present divided
Can become one.
Lead all the unbelievers to the faith
In the only Truth and
To walk hand in hand entering heaven
To be with You forever.

Then with one mind and one voice
We will adore You,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Being one and in communion with You
Enjoying Your blessings.
And never separated from one another,
We thank You for your infinite Mercy,
Forever and ever.